Choose burglar proof windows to beat next-gen criminals
The number of burglaries jumped by 19% last year in Dublin’s Eastern Garda Division, which covers most of Dublin’s southside, according to newly-released figures.

Central Statistics Office (CSO) data for 2015 shows 2,290 burglaries and related offences were recorded in the division – a rise of 430 on the 1,860 reported the previous year.
The biggest increase was in Dundrum which saw the number of burglaries soar by 25%, from 585 to 775.
This was closely followed by Shankill where a surge of 24% left the tally for the area at 251 last year, up 60 on the 191 reported in 2014.
There were also rises of 16% and 17% respectively in Blackrock and Cabinteely.
The CSO data for 2015 shows a total of 419 offences in Blackrock, 66 more than the previous 12 months.
Meanwhile, there were 426 burglaries reported to gardai in Cabinteely, against 353 in 2014.
Dun Laoghaire, too, didn’t escape the burglary binge which totalled 419 burglaries in the most recent statistics. This is up 10% on the figure of 377 for 2014.
Security expert Jim Toal of Fairco.ie has urged householders to consider burglar-proof windows and doors to deter a new, more effective, breed of burglar who has taken over from the traditional opportunist.
Jim, who has advised security authorities on burglary prevention over the past decade, believes that planned burglaries have replaced opportunism for criminals.
“The day of the opportunistic burglar is gone. The new generation plan and execute their burglaries professionally.
“Burglars now typically operate in groups and will take time to drive around an area and identify 10-12 houses which fit their ideal criteria.
“The average alarm doesn’t deter the new burglar and he has all the tools of the trade to break and enter into an average home,” said Jim, Managing Director of Fairco.ie who supply and install Ireland’s only guaranteed burglar-proof windows and doors.
“We would urge all householders to consider fitting windows that carry the police-preferred Secured By Design specification.
“If you are going to spend money on windows, you need to make sure they are windows and doors that burglars can’t get through.”
There was some good news for the region though. The statistics also showed a decrease in burglaries in the area for the last quarter of 2015 compared to the figures for the same period in 2014.
There was a total of 595 burglaries in that quarter last year, down by 9% on the 656 reported in 2014.